

Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (Min-su ch’ü-i 民俗曲藝
No. 180, June 2013 
音樂時間與文化異質性:以1930年代前後《雪梅思君》的不同錄音為例 (Musical Time and Cultural Heterogeneity: Recordings of Xuemei Si Jun during and around the 1930s)
失落的西安城市史:對唐大明宮(國家遺址公園)歷史想像空間構築的考察 (Lost Historiography of Xi’an: Investigating the Imaginative Spatial Construction of the Historic Daming Palace [National Heritage Park]) 
「社官」信仰在廣東蕉嶺與臺灣美濃的比較研究 (A Comparative Study of “She Guan” in Jiaoling, Guangdong and Meinong, Taiwan)
潮惠兩裔客家人分佈比例與新竹枋寮義民祭祀圈之關係 (Distribution and Proportion of the Chaozhou and Huizhou Hakka and Their Status within the Ritual Sphere of Yimin Temple, Xinzhu)
戰爭、傳說與地方社會之信仰重構:以淡水清水祖師信仰為論述中心 (War, Legends, and the Reconstruction Cult in Local Society: A Discourse on the Qingshui Zushi Cult of Tamsui)
試探一項平埔族習俗的解讀 (A Tentative Interpretation of a Pingpu Custom)

Research Papers 

王育雯。〈音樂時間與文化異質性:以1930年代前後《雪梅思君》的不同錄音為例〉。《民俗曲藝》180 (2013.6): 1-43
Wang Yuh-wen. "Musical Time and Cultural Heterogeneity: Recordings of Xuemei Si Jun during and around the 1930s." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 180 (2013.6): 1-43.

薛孟琪。〈失落的西安城市史:對唐大明宮(國家遺址公園)歷史想像空間構築的考察〉。《民俗曲藝》180 (2013.6): 45-81
Hsueh Meng-chi. "Lost Historiography of Xi’an: Investigating the Imaginative Spatial Construction of the Historic Daming Palace (National Heritage Park)." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 180 (2013.6): 45-81.

洪馨蘭。〈「社官」信仰在廣東蕉嶺與臺灣美濃的比較研究〉。《民俗曲藝》180 (2013.6): 83-130
Hung Hsin-lan. "A Comparative Study of “She Guan” in Jiaoling, Guangdong and Meinong, Taiwan." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 180 (2013.6):83-130.

張正田。〈潮惠兩裔客家人分佈比例與新竹枋寮義民祭祀圈之關係〉。《民俗曲藝》180 (2013.6): 131-64
Zhang Zheng-tian. "Distribution and Proportion of the Chaozhou and Huizhou Hakka and Their Status within the Ritual Sphere of Yimin Temple, Xinzhu." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 180 (2013.6): 131-64.

王怡茹。〈戰爭、傳說與地方社會之信仰重構:以淡水清水祖師信仰為論述中心〉。《民俗曲藝》180 (2013.6): 165-215
Wang I-ju. "War, Legends, and the Reconstruction Cult in Local Society: A Discourse on the Qingshui Zushi Cult of Tamsui." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 180 (2013.6): 165-215.

簡銘宏。〈試探一項平埔族習俗的解讀〉。《民俗曲藝》180 (2013.6): 217-74
Chien Ming-hung. "A Tentative Interpretation of a Pingpu Custom." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 180 (2013.6): 217-74.