

林鶴宜。〈臺灣歌仔戲「做活戲」的演員即興表演與劇目創作參與〉。《民俗曲藝》175 (2012.3): 107-75
Lin Ho-yi . "Improvisational Performance and Creative Involvement in Taiwanese Gezixi Opera." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 175 (2012.3): 107-75.


幕表戲對演員表演靈活度的訓練具備高度的價值。一齣「活戲」在同一 個劇團演久了,往往會被固定下來,成為「死戲」。然而,透過劇目的傳遞, 由另一批演員重新演出,又會回歸「活戲」。演員即興編劇的接力賽,因得以從一齣戲,延伸到不同的時空。

Taiwanese gezixi Opera is the most representative of scenario-based performances. For a long time, actors of professional Taiwanese opera performed in a predominantly improvisational way. In examining the overall creative process of improvisational performance, it is easy to see that its essence lies in the creative involvement of actors in the play-writing process. Their performing skills are in fact akin to writing skills. For actors who improvise, completing a performance is like completing a round of creative play-writing. They are adept at telling spontaneous stories on stage  in front of the audience. When they conclude a performance, a new play is essentially completed at the same time.
This article examines the improvisational performance skills of actors in Taiwanese gezixi Opera. From the aspect of the “creative involvement of play-writing,” I will first explore the skills of individual actors. Emphasis is placed on how they improvise spoken lines and lyrics song on the stage. It is important for actors to be certain of the appropriateness and feasibility of such lines. They also need to know which particular tune to use for a given performance. The efficiency of the improvisational skills relies on the actors’ total understanding of a given character’s position, personality, and situation.
Moreover, actors must know how to improvise lines and lyrics by way of interacting with each other. The skills commonly used in such improvisation are to cover, to save, to abandon, and to cut, while those for improvising lyrics are to rhyme, to get in tune, to add words, to similize, and to exaggerate.
The article then shifts its focus to group collaboration in improvisational performance by addressing the issue of how an improvisational theater constructs powerful dramatic scenes through the characters in a play. As the actor is the absolute center of improvisational performance, the characters in a play are intimately bound up with a play’s dramatic scenes. Actors have to bring their individual talent and acting skills into full play to construct convincing characters in performance. Ultimately, group cooperation is necessary for all dramatic characters and scenes to be woven together into a complete story.

Also in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:

林鶴宜。〈從演出劇目看新加坡在地職業劇團對臺灣歌仔戲的接受和創發──以「新賽鳳」為例〉。《民俗曲藝》191 (2016.3): 5-70
Lin Ho-yi. “A Performance Repertoire-Based Investigation of Innovation in Taiwanese Folk Opera by Professional Troupes in Singapore, with Sin Sai Hong as a Case Study.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 191 (2016.3): 5-70.

林鶴宜。〈中西即興戲劇脈絡中的歌仔戲「做活戲」:藝術定位、研究視野與劇場運用〉。《民俗曲藝》179 (2013.3): 123-84
Lin Ho-yi. "’Spontaneous Performance’ in Taiwanese Opera in the Context of Improvisational Theater: Artistic Position, Research Perspective, and Dramatic Practice." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 179 (2013.3): 123-84.

林鶴宜。〈政治與戲曲:1950年代「戲曲改革」對中國地方戲曲劇種體質的訂製及影響〉。《民俗曲藝》165 (2009.9): 47-88
Lin Ho-yi. “Politics and Traditional Theater: The Influence of the 1950s 'Theater Reform' on Local Theaters’ Developments and Their Formations of Theatrical Typology.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 165 (2009.9): 47-88.