
Religion and Society in South China and Taiwan

Special issue on “Religion and Society in South China and Taiwan

John Lagerwey. “Preface.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 174 (2011.12): 1-8.
勞格文著、楊玉君譯。〈引言〉。《民俗曲藝》174 (2011.12): 9-15

This special issue on “Religion and Society in South China and Taiwan” is composed of five essays: two on Huizhou, two on Taiwan, and one on west-central Guangdong. All are highly focused examinations of some aspect of local society, and all use the combined methods of historical anthropology.

Taken together, what these five essays illustrate is that the study of Chinese local society has indeed entered a new phase, in which historical anthropology is taken for granted as the most fruitful approach. Not that the pioneering days of the “pure” field report, as represented by the eighty-six volumes in the Monograph Series of Studies in Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore, are definitively behind us— there is still much “salvage anthropology” to be done and, fortunately, it does continue—but that there is also a need to provide greater historical depth to our interpretations of field-derived information.

Articles in this special issue

王振忠。〈明清以來徽州的保安善會與「五隅」組織〉。《民俗曲藝》174 (2011.12): 17-102
Wang Zhenzhong. “The Tranquility Festivals and the Five Sectors Organization of Huizhou since the Ming Dynasty.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 174 (2011.12): 17-102.

Paul R. Katz. “Spirit-writing Halls and the Development of Local Communities: A Case Study of Puli (Nantou County).” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 174 (2011.12): 103-84.
康豹。〈鸞堂與地方社會的發展:以埔地區為例〉。《民俗曲藝》174 (2011.12): 103-84

江柏煒。〈「混雜的現代性」:近代金門地方社會的文化想像及其實踐〉。《民俗曲藝》174 (2011.12): 185-257
Chiang Bo-wei. “Hybrid Modernity: A Study of Cultural Imagination and Practice of the Overseas Chinese in Modern Kinmen.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 174 (2011.12): 185-257.

譚偉倫。〈申遺背後的曹主娘娘信俗研究〉。《民俗曲藝》174 (2011.12): 259-304
Tam Wai Lun. “Behind the Application for the Status of Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Study of the Female Deity Caozhu Niangniang (Lady of Lord Cao) in Yingde, Northern Guangdong.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 174 (2011.12): 259-304.

John Lagerwey. “Village Religion in Huizhou: A Preliminary Assessment.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 174 (2011.12): 305-57.
勞格文。〈徽州府的村落宗教:初步的探討〉。《民俗曲藝》174 (2011.12): 305-57

Research Paper

傅寶玉。〈水利空間與地域建構:社子溪流域的水圳、祭典與儀式社群〉。《民俗曲藝》174 (2011.12): 359-416
Fu Bao-yu. “Irrigation and Territorial Construction: Sacrifice to the Deities of the Three Realms in Shezi Stream Basin.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 174 (2011.12): 359-416.