Chiang Bo-wei. “Hybrid Modernity: A Study of Cultural Imagination and Practice of the Overseas Chinese in Modern Kinmen.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 174 (2011.12): 185-257.
金門位於閩南,鄰近廈門、泉州港,十七世紀中葉以前已有僑民南渡東南亞。1842 年廈門正式開港、1860年華工出洋合法化,青壯人口在連鎖式移民的機制下,大量赴海外謀生。隨着財富的累積,跨境流動的華僑挾其資本返鄉參與地方事務,包括修建祠廟、創辦學校等,當然也關注僑鄉的地方政治、社會治安、公共衛生等問題。
在這個過程中,金門的華僑商紳以「殖民現代性」(colonial modernity)為範型,仿效新加坡、廈門等英屬殖民地或租界,發展出一種「混雜現代性」(hybrid modernity)論述與實踐。本文擬在《顯影》僑刊史料及田野調查的基礎上,探討華僑商紳如何於宗族社區、地方社會重建網絡,並發展一種集體的現代性想像,包括教育事業、政治改良、實業發展、公共衛生與環境景觀等。同時,他們引入混雜了華人建築傳統及西方殖民樣式的建築風格,使其成為一種文化資本及權力,一方面樹立社會權威,一方面再現了現代進步的意象。混雜現代性,是近代僑鄉社會文化變遷的重要特徵。
Kinmen (Quemoy) is an island close to Quanzhou (Zaitun) and
In this process, the “overseas Chinese” merchant-gentry consciously followed the “colonial modernity” model of British colonial Singapore and Amoy concession and developed a “hybrid modernity” discourse and practice based on material culture. This paper will make use of Shining, an overseas Chinese newsletter, and materials collected from field work in Kinmen to explore how the overseas Chinese merchant-gentry reconstructed their social network in their lineage communities and developed a collective modern cultural imagination that manifested in education, political improvements, enterprise development, public hygiene and environmental landscape, etc. At the same time, they introduced an architectural style that combined traditional Chinese architectural elements and western colonial fashion, turning it into a cultural capital and power. On the one hand, the new architectural style established social prestige; on the other hand it represented an image of modern progress. Hybrid modernity is an important characteristic of social and cultural transition in this overseas Chinese’s hometown.