

王大為。〈法輪功的歷史何在?〉。《民俗曲藝》173 (2011.9): 129-60
David Ownby. “A History for Falun Gong.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 173 (2011.9): 129-60.



This article depicts the Falun Gong, and the larger qigong movement out of which Falun Gong emerged, as contemporary reinventions of the redemptive societies of the Republican period. These groups, often linked to the “White Lotus Teachings” or the “Three Teachings” of late imperial times, are all based on the leadership of a charismatic master whose teachings stress body technologies and traditional morality. The article further tests the hypothesis that the category of “redemptive societies” should be extended to include syncretic and sectarian traditions from the late imperial period, challenging historiographical traditions which have emphasized the marginal and dissenting character of such groups.