

黃挺。〈祠堂裡的圖像:晚清到民國初年之間潮汕地區的庶民生活和價值觀〉。《民俗曲藝》170 (2010.12): 283-335
Huang Ting. “Images in Ancestral Halls: Life and Values of Common People in Chao-Shan Region from the Late Qing to the Early Republican Period.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 170 (2010.12): 283-335.



After the Yongzheng reign, with more and more people from the same lineages living together in the Chaozhou region, ancestral halls became remarkable part of the landscape lying both in urban and rural areas. Following the tradition of Chinese ritual architecture, the ornate decorations in the ancestral halls of this region still retain rich pictorial materials. On the basis of these decoration images of the ancestral halls, this article attempt to explain the life and values of the common people in Chao-Shan region from the late Qing to the early Republican period, and note how scenes of the daily life of the commoners are reflected in the decorative images. Cases examined are several ancestral halls whose dates of construction range from the Qing dynasty to the early Republican period. Through analysis of the decoration placement in the architectural structure, themes and composition of the concrete images, this article explores the changes of the Chao-Shan people’s values of this time. From these images in the ancestral halls, we can understand more directly common people’s living condition. At the same time, we will be able to discover the secularization of the lineage ritual life during this period in the Chao-Shan region.