

李建緯。〈臺灣媽祖廟現存「御匾」研究:兼論其所反映的集體記憶與政治神話〉。《民俗曲藝》186 (2014.12): 103-79
Lee Chian-wei. “Qing Imperial Plaques Kept in the Mazu Temples in Taiwan: The Collective Memory and Political Myths.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 186 (2014.12): 103-79.


Many Mazu temples in Taiwan boast an imperial plaque bearing an emperor’s royal signet. It carries such phrase as Shen Zhao Hai Biao (The light of goddess shines on the surface of the sea), or Hai Guo An Lan (May the goddess bring peace the realm of sea), or Yu Tian Tong Gong (The goddess’ merit equals that of Heaven), with the last being most frequently found. The Qing Veritable Records notes that in the year 1881, the Guangxu Emperor bestowed the Yu Tian Tong Gong plaques to all the Mazu temples under the jurisdiction of Taiwan prefect. Based on documents and my field investigation, there are twenty Yu Tian Tong Gong plaques in total. 
These plaques can be categorized into the following types according to the carver’s craftsmanship, style of calligraphy, format of the signet, and history of the temples. First, plaques with unequivocal Qing imperial features. Second, plaques with Qing features, but not imperial plaques. Third, plaques with similar calligraphic style, or plaques that had been re-carved at a later date. Fourth, plaques that are neither imperially bestowed, nor dating from the Qing dynasty. Temples continued to duplicate the imperial plaques with the assumption that the presence of the emperor’s plaque and his signet would imply an officially recognized status. In addition, Ming Qing calligraphers and artists incessantly copied paintings and scrolls of calligraphy by Song and Yuan artists. This tradition of imitating old masters caused the scripts on the plaques to be copied, re-copied, and circulated, forming a unique calligraphy tradition.
In this study, I point out that mass reproduction of the late Qing imperial plaques is a re-mythologizing process on the users’ part. When the emperor bestowed a plaque on a certain temple, he meant to have Mazu’s benevolence and merits. However, because plaque is a strong political orthodoxy symbol, an officially recognized status is implied. This is a new political symbol enforced in a new context. Likewise, for many late Qing Mazu temples, owning an imperial plaque not only elevates the temple’s prestige, brings a sense of pride but also consolidates followers’ identity. It becomes a concrete material symbol, centering on the temple, that integrates a community’s collective memories.