

No. 175, March 2012 
臺灣田都元帥信仰與宋江陣儀式傳統 (The Cult of Marshal Tiandu and the Ritual Tradition of Song Jiang Militia in Taiwan)
客家「串調」箏曲之研究 (A Study of Hakka Zheng Music Chuandiao)
中國鬥蟋蟀博戲中的芡草與芡法 (Cricket Ticklers and Tickling Methods in Chinese Cricket Fighting Games)
臺灣歌仔戲「做活戲」的演員即興表演與劇目創作參與 (Improvisational Performance and Creative Involvement in Taiwanese Gezixi Opera)
櫥窗內的歷史聲音:牛津大學Pitt Rivers博物館臺灣原住民樂器收藏與臺灣音樂研究史料 (Forgotten Voices behind the Display Glass: Formosan Musical Instruments at the Pitt Rivers Museum [Oxford] and Historical Research in the Music of Taiwan)

Research Papers

謝國興。〈臺灣田都元帥信仰與宋江陣儀式傳統〉。《民俗曲藝》175 (2012.3): 1-42
Hsieh Kuo-hsing. "The Cult of Marshal Tiandu and the Ritual Tradition of Song Jiang Militia in Taiwan." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 175 (2012.3): 1-42.

張儷瓊。〈客家「串調」箏曲之研究〉。《民俗曲藝》175 (2012.3): 43-88
Chang Li-chiung. "A Study of Hakka Zheng Music Chuandiao." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 175 (2012.3): 43-88.

陳天嘉、任定成。〈中國鬥蟋蟀博戲中的芡草與芡法〉。《民俗曲藝》175 (2012.3): 89-106
Chen Tianjia and Ren Dingcheng. "Cricket Ticklers and Tickling Methods in Chinese Cricket Fighting Games." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 175 (2012.3): 89-106.

林鶴宜。〈臺灣歌仔戲「做活戲」的演員即興表演與劇目創作參與〉。《民俗曲藝》175 (2012.3): 107-75
Lin Ho-yi . "Improvisational Performance and Creative Involvement in Taiwanese Gezixi Opera." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 175 (2012.3): 107-75.

Research Report

蔡燦煌。〈櫥窗內的歷史聲音:牛津大學Pitt Rivers博物館臺灣原住民樂器收藏與臺灣音樂研究史料〉。《民俗曲藝》175 (2012.3): 177-214
Tsai Tsan-huang. "Forgotten Voices behind the Display Glass: Formosan Musical Instruments at the Pitt Rivers Museum (Oxford) and Historical Research in the Music of Taiwan." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 175 (2012.3): 177-214.