

謝國興。〈臺灣田都元帥信仰與宋江陣儀式傳統〉。《民俗曲藝》175 (2012.3): 1-42
Hsieh Kuo-hsing. "The Cult of Marshal Tiandu and the Ritual Tradition of Song Jiang Militia in Taiwan." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 175 (2012.3): 1-42.



In Taiwanese folk religion, Marshal Tiandu is by no means a major deity. Usually occupying a minor, secondary status in a temple, Marshal Tiandu is however notable for his exorcist power. Most professional traditional opera theater and amateur folk music troupes worship Marshal Tiandu as their patron god. In addition, the military troupes like Song Jiang militia or Lion dance troupe in southern rural Taiwan also worship Marshal Tiandu (alternatively called Marshal Tianfu, Lord Song Jiang) as their protective deity. The cult of Marshal Tiandu originated from Fujian (especially Zhangzhou and Quanzhou area).
The unique background of Taiwan’s immigration society fostered a prosperous martial arts practice. Many organized Song Jiang militia to guard their villages. The frequent floods and epidemic diseases further reinforced the Song Jiang militias’ religious function of expelling evil spirits and eliminating epidemic diseases. Up until now, in the southern Taiwan temple fairs, the performances of Song Jiang militia and Lion dance troupe are not only entertaining activities, their patron god, Marshal Tiandu is also an important exorcist deity. The cult of Marshal Tiandu has carried on the southern Fujian's folk belief and transformed it to a religious culture with Taiwanese characteristics.

Also in
Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:

王秋桂。〈二郎神傳說補考〉。《民俗曲藝》22 (1983.3): 1-26

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