

王見川。〈同善社早期的特點及在雲南的發展(1912-1937)︰兼談其與「鸞壇」、「儒教」的關係〉。《民俗曲藝》172 (2011.6): 127-59
Wang Chien-chuan. “Early Characteristics of the Tongshanshe and Its Development in Yunnan (1912-1937), with a Note on the Relationship between ‘Spirit-writing Shrines’ and ‘Religious Confucianism’” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 172 (2011.6): 127-59.



The Tongshanshe was formally registered with the Beijing government by Yao Jicang (fl.1920) in 1917. Owing to the efforts of He Jing’an (fl.1920), Lei Yingting (fl.1920), and others, it spread over all of China within a few years, becoming an important religious movement of the Republican period. This religion originated in Confucian circles of Sichuan province, its founder being Peng Huilong (1873-1950?). On the basis of texts from within and outside the Tongshanshe, such as the Tongshan zongshe chuandan huibian and the Zhonghe wenji, the present study first seeks to discuss the early characteristics of the Tongshanshe and its development in the province of Yunnan, especially the role of local elite Yang Jindong (fl.1920). It then describes the relationship between the Tongshanshe and Yunnan spirit-writing shrines, and analyzes their links to Confucianism in Yunnan. Finally, it discusses the ideas informing Peng Huilong’s “National Studies Training Institute” (Guoxue zhuanxiuguan), as well as the relationship between the “Wuxi National Studies Training Institute” with Tang Wenzhi’s “Wuxi National Studies Training School” (Wuxi guozhuan). This essay hopes to use these cases to study the mutual influences among Republican period redemptive societies, spirit-writing cults, and Confucianism, as well as the connections between the rising interest in ‘national studies” during the early Republic and pro-Confucian popular sects, spirit-writing shrines, and other organizations.